Empire Every Day 025

25 days in and I’m feeling fantastic, I love sharing these little factoids and bits of trivia with you every day and my love for this movie is growing larger than I ever thought possible. Only 75 more until 100 and 340 more until it’s a full year. When you put it like that it seems so far away but time moves so fast anymore I can barely keep track of what day it is.

FACT: Boba Fett’s action figure was originally to have had a rocket-firing mechanism, but after a child choked to death on a similar toy, the Colonial Viper from Battlestar Galactica (1978), Kenner dropped the mechanism and made the rocket stationary. A trace of the rocket launcher survived to the completed toy, however, as there is a rectangular area on the backpack in which the rocket launcher would have been embedded. The version with the mechanism is now considered the longest-running unobtainable action figure. Contrary to popular belief, it was never sold to the public.

I never knew that a child died choking on another toy I thought that Boba Fett was the reason the child had choked. It makes sense that Kenner would never sell the figure with the firing rocket, you can’t take that risk and it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

New posts every day at 12:00 PM EST. May the force be with you.

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